• 3766 Alton Pkwy, Irvine CA 92618 USA
  • +(00) 123 456 789
  • Mon-Sat:  8:00am-6:30pm   Sun:  Closed
Bethanne Mazzola
Director of Cardiac Vascular and Endoscopy services at Saint Vincent Hospital

EVIDENCE BASED NURSING CARE, will be one of the hall marks of Vision Medical. Volunteer nurses will be led by Nurse leader, Bethanne Mazzola.

Bethanne Mazzola, is currently a Director of Cardiac Vascular and Endoscopy services at Saint Vincent Hospital. Bethanne Mazzola brings over 30 years of experience from previous roles in nursing at Saint Vincent Hospital. With a robust skill set that includes Nursing, Meditech, Critical Care, Healthcare Management, Inpatient and more.