• 3766 Alton Pkwy, Irvine CA 92618 USA
  • +(00) 123 456 789
  • Mon-Sat:  8:00am-6:30pm   Sun:  Closed
Dr. Paul Arcand
Surgical Suite

Dr. Paul Arcand-Surgical Suite, will operate under the guidance of Dr. Arcand. Free surgeries, such as hernia repairs, cleft lip repairs, appendectomies, emergency reconstructive surgeries of limbs, d/t motor-cycle and motor vehicles accidents, amongst others.

According to the Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeries, the surgical volume in Liberia is about 462 operations per 100,000 population, and the density of surgical specialists is 1.6 per 100,000 population, which is below the recommended targets. Efforts are ongoing to train more specialized doctors locally, with the Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons recently increasing the number of trained specialists to 893.